Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Long Day on Pine Island!

   We woke up about 8:00 and watched a little TV in bed.  We got up about 9:00 and I showered while John took a short walk.  He showered when he got back while I started the Rice-a-Roni dish I was planning on taking along to the fried chicken and pot luck brunch at 10:30 that Nancy and Bob invited us to the night they were over.  I got all the clothes and props together that I needed for the Variety Show, so we could grab them and go after the brunch.   Nancy had reserved a card/game room for the brunch and there were about 20 people there.  It was a feast of delicious food!  How nice of Nancy and Bob to do this!!
Do you think we had enough food??
Nancy's fried chicken was awesome!!
  We left at 12:00, gathered up my costume and headed back to Pine Island.  We stopped at the eagle's nest again with John's "good" camera to try to get better pictures, but Harriet wasn't as visible as yesterday and Ozzie was no where to be found.
That's the nest in the middle and a camera to film
live all the time is hanging above it.  If you want
to see it just google "Fort Myers eagle cam".

There's mommy, Harriet.

These are picture I took while watching
the live video on my phone.

I don't know if the chicks have names or not.  If
they are males...why not David and Ricky??

  So back on the road to Pine Island.  We got there right around 1:15 for the first show at 2:00.  I sat in the back and watched the first few acts.  How different it was to see everyone in costume!  Everyone did a great job.  All went very well for me, too!  I watched the rest of the show after I was done. The show was over about 3:30.  John took a few pictures, but most of the time he walked around the CG and the neighborhood and sat by the pool with a book.  He had a ticket for the evening show and didn't want to watch it twice.
Here I am with Nancy Steele, the moderator of the show.
She is the wife of Everett, the fiddler from the Sunday
Night Live shows at eh CG.  She is the one who asked
me to participate in the show.

This was "Flo," the Progressive insurance gal.

This was "The Wedding Photographer" skit.
The female photographer (in the middle beside the bride)
had just asked everyone who had slept with the bride
to come up to have their picture taken.  She had to
put the camera on timer so she could get in the picture, too!

Here, she asked for everyone who had slept with the groom.
Notice that the bride left the stage!  The gal with the groom
is "Shirley" who has 2 sheds full of costumes she gets at
thrift shops.  That's why the show was called, "What's
in Shirley's Drawers?"

This is the Second Hand Rose gals modelling all
their Thrift Shop finds.

This group did a song about all kinds of animals.
Several of the people had up to 4 animals
represented on their costumes!

Uh oh...who's that?

"I Cain't Say, No!" 
I had a good time...can you tell, I hope!
  After the first show we went to Woody's for a sandwich.
It may be the drunkenmost point, but
I didn't have a drop!!  I really can "say, No" :)

The restaurant was named after this furry friend
who is no longer with us.  Can't tell if he's
drunk or dead!!
  The food was very good!  I had a burger and John had a rib eye sandwich.  My bestest buddies, the Frogettes had their get-together today and they called me while we were eating.  Ahhh, they miss me.  I wish I could have been with them, but I like it here pretty much, too!!  We were going to walk around a bit, but it had gotten pretty chilly because of the breeze and the sun starting to go down, so we drove to Bokeelia on the other end of the island.  You drive until you come to the bay and then you have to turn around and come back.  But it is beautiful back there!  Unfortunately, many of the fishing piers were washed away during the hurricanes last year.
We saw this sign on one of the houses.  Our
grand-daughter's, Emma and Ellie will like this!!

This is overlooking the bay.  The pier in the background
was partly washed away and roped off.
We headed back to the CG to get ready for the 7:00 show.  I called Mom to check on Dad and his cellulitis is better.  Praise God!!  My act went OK, but unfortunately, my microphone had gotten turned off some how and because the sound guy was trying to get it to work, he missed my music cue.  And on top of that anyone else who was miked was coming thru the sound system.  Fortunately, I have a loud voice and everyone in the back said they could hear me just fine.
I don't look too bothered by it, do I??

This was the "Older Ladies" skit.  Very funny!!

These gals were doing the Charleston.  They really had it down!
The 2nd lady from the left is the CG pastor.  She also did a "Church Lady" skit.

And Elvis was in the building!

I felt bad for him because he was battling
strep throat!

This was the program

  I think John was more upset for me than I was.  Thanks for your concern, honey!  Being an amateur show you have to be prepared for anything and, luckily, it didn't really affect my performance.  The whole thing was fun, but it was a long day.  We stopped for an ice cream cone on the way back to Pioneer Village to make it "all better."  We got back about 10:00 and played a game of 5 Crowns.  John won again.  He shows no mercy :)  He went to bed about 11:30 while I worked on editing all the pictures and the blog.  I got to bed about 1:00.
John took this picture while walking.  I wonder
who would want it!  He did send it to his friend, Terry,
who just bought a toy hauler 5th wheel.  He thought he
might want to consider parking it here :)


  1. Ummm... no thanks on the swamp land. Even a former Recruiter couldn't make that sound attractive. Ha Ha

  2. Ummm... no thanks on the swamp land. Even a former Recruiter couldn't make that sound attractive. Ha Ha
