Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Laundry Day for John...Shopping Day for Me :)

   We got up about 7:00 am and had breakfast.  I got ready to go to my 9:00 chiropractor appt on Pine Island and John took the dirty clothes down to the laundry.  It takes about 40 minutes to get to Pine Island from here, so  I left at 8:10, just as John got back from the laundry.  I was planning on stopping at some thrift shops on the way home to look for a western shirt to wear with my costume for the Variety Show on Pine Island this weekend.  And, of course, I would have to stop at Beall's Outlet!  I was unsuccessful with finding a shirt at the thrift shops, but I did find a keyboard for $4.00 which I will use to practice my song.  So, onto Beall's.  I was there for almost 3 hrs!!  John called me and said he was going to make salads for us for lunch.  So I headed home at about 2:30 with 5 tops and 2 bathing suits and a few pieces of jewelry to use for my magnetic pins.  One of the tops will hopefully work for my western costume.  When I got back, John had the salads made and he had made poppy seed dressing and hard boiled eggs.  And besides the laundry, he also vacuumed!  He walked 14,000 steps, too.  He was very busy while I was shopping!!  And, guess what...he found more shark teeth from Sunday that I forgot to get out of my collection bag!
Wow!!  A hundred more teeth!
  We ate lunch, then I had a fashion show for him, so he could give his opinion on my purchases.  He loved everything and was very glad I had a fun day.  What a guy!!  I put on one of my new bathing suits and we went down to the pool at about 4:00.  We ran out of sun about 5:30 and came back to Harvey.  We sat outside for about an hour and read our books.  Bonnie called to let me know that Dad's cellulitis is not responding to the new antibiotics, so they are going to some new antibiotics intravenously.  Hopefully, that will do the trick!!  Then we got showers and were going for ice cream, but when we passed the shuffleboard courts there were people playing.  We thought they would be too wet from the periods of rain we had at the CG today.  So we stopped and played a game.  John won 75-71.  What a close match!!  Then we went for ice cream at Twisty Treat about 5 miles from the CG just off the Tamiami Trail.  It was very good.
What a cute little ice cream shop!
John had raspberry cheesecake and toasted coconut.
I had black cherry and choc peanut butter.  YUM!!
  We got back about 9:00, watched a program about the assassination of President Garfield while I worked on the blog.  Then we went to bed.  Tomorrow looks like a wash-out from rain and severe weather.  We'll keep you posted.

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