Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Visit With Cousin, Mary and Husband, Paul

   I set my alarm for this morning because I had another chiropractor appt. at 9:00.  We had breakfast and then I went over to Pam and Harry's RV to get a picture.  They are leaving this morning.  We hope to get together with them when we get back home!  
Harry, Pam and Lucy

 I left for my appt. while John went walking.  I stopped and gassed up the Jeep.  With our Winn-Dixie pts. I got gas for $1.09...a $.60 discount!!  When I got back I changed clothes and "fixed my face" to get ready to leave to visit with my cousin, Mary and her husband, Paul.  They bought a house a few years ago in Sarasota.  Bonnie and Ken are going also.  It's kind of sad that they live in Harrisburg, but the only 2 times I've seen them in the last 2 years is in Florida!  Bonnie and Ken picked us up at about 10:30 for the 1 and 1/2 hour trip.  We got there just after 12:00, but couldn't get in the gate.  Apparently our name was not on the preferred visitor list.  I called Mary but got no answer, so I left a message.  We headed over to a K gas station to potty and get drinks.  Any size drink is ALWAYS $.79!  Mary called to apologize and said Paul was on his way to the entrance booth, but didn't have his phone for her to let him know we had left.  She said she gave our names to the gate yesterday, so there was obviously some kind of mix-up.  We headed back and Paul was there.  The lady at the gate apologized, too, because just after we left, she found our name.  So now all was well and we followed Paul to the house.  It really is beautiful!  Mary has a background in art and interior decorating.  Even though they bought it furnished, her touches made it stunning!  And the pool area with the running water from the hot tub to the pool is so peaceful and gorgeous!  They showed us around and then we went to lunch at a small café with a lot of healthy food and drinks.  Luckily, they had some not so healthy stuff for me :)  Actually we all had either paninis and soup or salad.  The food was excellent.  Mary and Paul kindly treated us all.

This was the coffee house we ate at.

Our waitress had CRAZY dreadlocks!!

Mary and Paul kindly picked up the tab for lunch!
  We went back to the house and sat out by the pool in the "lanai". 
Pretty, isn't it!?!
The "cousins" and their husbands had a wonderful afternoon!
We chatted for a while and we left at 4:45.  With all the rush hour traffic and Matlacha traffic we didn't get back until about 6:45.   Nancy called to let us know she and Neil were going to have a campfire.  We opted not to go because my neck/shoulder was really aching.  Bonnie and Ken went for a short time.  Nancy had let Bonnie know earlier in the day that her mother, who is at Masonic, has pneumonia and isn't expected to be able to fight it.  Poor Nancy doesn't know whether to go home yet or not.  She and Neil are full-timers and it's a lot more complicated than it would be for us in that situation.  I watched the last 1/2 hour of Am Idol and Project Runway while John did some reading.  We didn't stay up too late because we signed up to help clean up at breakfast tomorrow morning.   

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