Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Relaxing Sunday at the CG

I was up until 2am, so I didn't get out of bed until 10:00!  John's hip is still bothering him...we think it's bursitis (he's finally catching up to my age) he didn't go for a walk.  We also decided that we shouldn't go to the beach as planned because walking on the sand would probably make his hip pain worse.   We had some breakfast or more correctly...brunch.  The sun was shining brightly and there wasn't much of a breeze, so we went down to the pool at about 12:45.  We were there about 15 minutes and a strong chilly breeze kicked up and big ugly, dark clouds blew in.  What the heck!!  We hung in there for about another 20 minutes hoping for the sun to come back out and the wind to stop.  But it was not to be, so we gave up and headed back to Harvey.  We went over to the neighbors to ask if they wanted to get together this evening, but they already had plans.  They are going to come over Tuesday evening for supper.  Then we went grocery shopping.  When we got back, amazingly, it wasn't near as windy outside Harvey as it had been at the pool.  So we grabbed our books and plopped on our rocker and lounge chair.  Shortly after that Genji came by with her owner.  Genji is a beautiful female Pug that we have bonded with.  She recognizes our RV now and always wants to stop.  I actually have to pick her up and put her on her feet when her owner wants to leave.  Another camper stopped by who has a Bounder exactly like ours.  He and John traded some valuable information like where the fuse is for the awning and the reset button for the toilets.  John would like to talk with him more to see if there are any more secrets they can share!!  By late afternoon it got pretty chilly outside.  We came in about 4:00 and continued reading.  I made Naan bread pizza for supper and then I watched the Academy Awards.  John went to the bedroom to watch TV and read.  I don't know what time he actually went to sleep.  I turned in about 12:15.  Sorry, no pics today.

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