Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Our Last Full Day at Pine Island :(

   John was already up when I woke at 7:45.  The rain had stopped and the sun was shining brightly.  And it was already 65 degrees!!  I made pumpkin pancakes and then got ready for my 9am chiropractor appt.  I stopped at the bank and the grocery store on the way home.  John was cleaning the grill.  He had already loaded up the Jeep and bicycles.  We had sandwiches for lunch and then Bonnie and Ken picked me up at 1:00 to go shopping down the road in all the cute little shops in Matlacha.  John wasn't interested in going along.  He was going to walk around here.  Ken walked most of the 2 and 1/2 hrs. that Bonnie and I shopped.  We had ice cream, too.  Bonnie bought a sun proof hat and I bought a magnetic frog clock to hang on the refrigerator.  We did good, huh!?!
This is the back of Leona Lovegrove's gallery.
Her art work is WILD!!

That's my froggy clock, but, unfortunately,
it won't stay up on my fridge.  I'm going
to have to put more magnets on it.

Does anyone know what this bush/flower might be?
It looks kind of like a rhododendron, but the
flowers look more like large pentas.

The traffic is always bumper to bumper in Matlacha, but
Bonnie and Ken don't seem to mind!

A pretty view from the bridge.

A close up of the large homes out there on the bay.
   Alex called on the way home.  She sounded good and was excited a possible job opportunity.  We got back about 5:15 and John was waxing Harvey.  It looks really good!  Thanks, honey!  John took a shower and then grilled "skirt" steaks for supper.  We never had those before...they sure were yummy!!  Then we went over to Ken and Bonnie's about 7:15 to play cards.  The women won a tight game of pinochle, but we would have won sooner if I would have given Bonnie the Ace of Spades in one of her bids.  She would have had all 8 Aces which would have given us 100 pts.  Boy, did I ever mess up!  Then we played 5 Crowns and the women won again.  It was our night, I guess.  We left about 9:30...we were both exhausted!  Heather called with an update of the baby.  She had an ultrasound today.  The baby had ahold of its foot.  Then they did a 3D one of the baby's face, and she said it has a chubby face.  It weighs 4 lbs. 12 oz right now and all is well.  But the check out person insinuated  that they won't let the pregnancy go more than 39 weeks.  Heather doesn't understand why since everything is going well.  She's going to ask the doctor on Friday to verify and let us know in case we have to cut our trip a bit shorter than we had planned.  John went to bed about 10:30.  I worked on the blog and turned in about 12:00.  It was a wonderful last day here spending the day with Sis and Ken.  Love you guys lots! 

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