Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Windy, Rainy Day Today!

   When we got up at 8:00 this morning it was already overcast and very breezy, but warm.  We are expecting rain and possibly some severe weather.  I had "dippy" eggs for breakfast and John had his favorite...peanut butter toast.  Just after breakfast Nancy stopped by to ask if I would like to join "the girls" for games this afternoon.  We had met her and her husband, Bob, a few days ago while riding bike.  They are from Chambersburg.  Of course, I said, "Yes"!    I stripped the bed and John went for his walk...gotta get those steps in before the rain!  I took the sheets, towels and rugs down to the laundry, but it was full.  Guess everyone had the same idea!!  It wasn't too long, though, until 3 washers opened up so I could get started.  I stayed right there and read my book until the wash was down.  John checked in every so often.  When my  laundry was done there were no dryers...drat.  But, again, it didn't take too long for some to open up.  I finally got done about 11:45.  John helped me make the bed and then Roger and his Doberman, Kane, stopped by to chat.  By now it was 12:30 and I had to get ready for my game day.  I called Bonnie to make sure they were safe, because she and Ken were camped right in the path of a tornado warning.  She said as soon as they got there this morning, they got in their site and hooked up but then immediately got in their car and left for Venice which was out of harms way.  It was just pouring and windy where they were.  Thank goodness they were OK!!  I left about 12:55 and it had just started to rain here.  There were 7 of us so we played 9 Hole Golf with Skip-O cards.  They play a bit differently than we do, but it was fun!  They were all so very nice!!  I got back about 3:30 and the wind and rain had stopped, but it still looked very threatening.  John did some reading while I practiced, "I Cain't Say No", the song I'm doing in the Variety Show on Saturday.  BTW...I forgot to mention that I woke up to that this morning.  John had it playing thru the sound system into our bedroom :)  I "doctored up" some chicken salad John made while I was gone.  even though he did a really good job making it!  It started to rain again, so we decided to make a trip to Camping World.  But the GPS messed up and since it was only open until 6:00 we decided to go out to eat instead.  We ended up at Bianca's Italian Ristorante on Tamiami Trail (Hwy 41).  We had to wait about 30 minutes, but it was worth it!  The food was delicious!!  We brought enough home for at least 2 more meals.  It reminded us of Bel Paes in York where we were engaged.  We stopped at Walmart and got back home about 9:00.  I called Mom to check on Dad and she said she thought his cellulitis looked a bit better today.  Then John and I played a game of 5 Crowns.  I was the victor....Yay!!  John went to bed about 11:00 and I worked on the blog until 11:30.  Sorry, only one picture today from John's travels.
Poor turkey...cute, huh!?!

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