Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fun Day at the CG!!

   John didn't sleep well last night, so we both slept in until about 8:00 today.  We had originally talked about going to the beach again today, but there's a dance tonight and felt like we wouldn't be home in time to get ready if we went to the beach.  So we decided to stay here.  I checked out some ultrasound pics of Heather's baby that she emailed me.  My goodness how it looks just like a photograph...the face is so clear.  Don't know if it's a boy or girl...she doesn't want to know.  It weighs about 4 lbs 12 oz. at this point.  She is due on April 11, but her doctor will probably not let her go past April 4.   We needed a few things from the store, so John said he would take me out to breakfast.  But first, we needed to stop at the office about changing our reservation.  Well, it was closed even though they were supposed to be open from 9-5.  guess we'll have to take care of it on Monday!  So we headed out to the Bay Shore Café in a little strip mall about 4 miles south of here.  It was a very small restaurant, but the food was delicious!  Then we went to Dollar General, which was right beside the café, and then to Walmart about another 4 miles south.  We got back about 11:30 and went down to the shuffleboard courts to play.  But the shuffleboard members had a singles tournament going on and they said they wouldn't be done for another hour and a half to 2 hrs.  So we got on our bikes and road around the CG.  We stopped at Roger and Kay's RV to chat, but only Kay was there.  They are the couple with the Elizabethtown address, but are closer to Hershey.  We met them thru Pam and Harry when we visited this CG while at Pine Island.  So we talked with Kay for a while and then met "Stoney", a neighbor of theirs.  I think his real name is Thomas.  He's a widower who camps alone.  He and Roger are characters!!  Then we rode around a little more and spotted a PA license plate.  When we stopped to ask them where they were from they recognized us from the potluck on Thursday night.  As a matter of fact, she was the one who ended up with one of my scarves!!  Bob and Nancy live in Chambersburg now, but had lived in the York area for many years.  Small world, huh!  We are meeting so many nice people here and they all rave about the park!!  We rode back up to the shuffleboard courts and believe it or not, they were still playing.  But they said we were welcome to use court 1 because they wouldn't be needing it anymore.  I made a comeback and won the first game 71-36 and John won the 2nd one, 73-39.  He skunked me in the bully, 80-11.  We didn't get done until about 4:30.  It had really gotten hot, so we just chilled outside in the shade and watched some ice skating.  Then I made steak quesadillas for supper.  We changed clothes and walked down to the CH at 6:45 for the dance.  We bought tickets for the "Share the Wealth" drawing, which is basically a 50/50 drawing.  Roger, Kay, and Stoney sat with us.

This is Thomas...aka "Stoney
This is Roger and Kay
  The band was pretty good and John and I danced at least a half dozen dances.
The band..."Solid Gold"
  I tried a couple of line dances.  We had a really good time dancing and getting to know Roger, Kay and Stoney a little bit better. Everyone seemed to have a great time.  There were probably 75 people there.
Dancin' the night away!

 The drawing was at 9:15 and they gave out 2-$50 prizes.  Guess what...I won 1 of them!!!  HURRAY!!!  I see a trip to Beall's Outlet in my future. 
The winning ticket!!

Ulysses S Grant is quite handsome, huh!?!

We got back to Harvey at 10:15.  John did some reading while I worked on the blog.  He went to bed about 11:00 and I finished about 12:45.  We're headed back to Manasota beach tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are really enjoying this CG and you are a $50.00 winner. Congrats!
