Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Day at Pine Island...Super Bowl, That is!

  We got up early to get ready for church today.  I was singing a solo, so I needed to be there by 9:15 to set up the mikes and CD player.  I sang, "In the Name of the Lord" and was a bit more nervous than usual because Neil and Nancy, Pam and Harry, Chuck and Melissa, and Bonnie and Ken were all there!  It went well and people were very kind with their comments.  Bonnie and I are going to sing a duet next Sunday.  That will be fun.  We haven't sung together  for a while!  After church John, Ken and Chuck took a walk.
The resident osprey is back on his perch
From far away John thought this was the
coyote we had seen last week.  Nope, just a doggie!
  I got the sausage balls and bean dip ready to go for the get together with Bonnie and Ken and Melissa and Chuck at Waldo for the Super Bowl.  Bonnie stopped by to give me some tips on easier blogging and then we went through some music I brought along to try to pick some songs for next Sunday. John and I did some reading, I cooked the sausage balls and then we left for Waldo.  Melissa and Chuck are huge Payton Manning fans because they are from Tennessee and that's where he played college football.  They were very pleased with the outcome.
This is the gang before the last score by Denver.

This is right after they scored,  John doesn't look\
too excited, does he?!?

Ken was happy, too!  And John was even smiling!
  We pretty much all were rooting for Denver considering it might be Payton's last game.  Just wish it would have been a better game...not so sloppy!!  We came back to Harvey right after the game, watched a little TV and went to bed.

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