Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Cool, Windy, Adventurous Day in Venice

   We planned on going to the beach today but Mother Nature didn't seem to want to co-operate.  The sun was nice and bright, but it was very windy and cool.  It never got out of the 60's.  So after breakfast and John's diligent exercise routine, we went, well, I went, with John driving , to search for a thrift store.  It turned out to be quite an adventure!  I've been wanting a rectangular Pyrex dish to use in the microwave oven in Harvey and thought I could get one pretty cheap at a thrift store.  They are all over the place down here!  But, of course, the first one we stopped at was closed and we drove right past the 2nd one.  John was a good sport, though, and turned around.  He left me there while he went to wash the Jeep.  (sorry, Andrea).  No luck, however, I did get something to make one of my magnetic pins.  Then John dropped me off at a Goodwill and he was going to get the oil changed in his Jeep.  When I walked in I realized it was ONLY a used book store.  I called John right away, but he didn't answer.  Finally after the 3rd call he answered.  He had just gotten to the Valvoline place with nobody in line, but he left to come get me.  He looked at some books but didn't find any...I found 2 biographies.  The gal at the check-out told us there was a Goodwill store down the road about a mile, so we headed there.  John walked in the store and immediately found the dish I wanted but it was $6.99!!  After all we went through to find it we just decided to make the purchase.  Then we headed back to the Valvoline and there were 3 cars getting work done.  We were there almost an hour by the time they finished with us!  By now, about 5:00, we were hungry and decided on pizza at Marco's as recommended by the guys at Valvoline.  It was very good!  On the way back home we stopped at Hobby Lobby and Publix.  We have been looking for lights for our awning on Harvey that were unique, but never found anything.  Well, guess what... Hobby Lobby had FROG lights and they were 40% off!!  Yea!  We won't put them up until we get to the next CG, so I'll take pix then.  Something told me to call our friend, Linda, whose husband, Allen passed away unexpectedly a few weeks before we left PA.  It must have been a God wink because she was having a bad day and was so glad I called.  We talked until we got back to Harvey...about 8:30.  John and I did some reading while I iced my foot.  He went to bed about 10:00 and I watched Chicago Fire, then went to bed.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a beach day!

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