Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fun Day Today!

   We woke to fog and overcast skies but mild temps.  I made breakfast while John went for a walk that was shortened by a wet mist.  After breakfast I decided to touch up my gray roots and then we did laundry.  While waiting for the laundry to finish we played 2 games of shuffleboard.  We each won a game so we'll have to play the "bully" some other time.

I took these pictures while John was taking the laundry
back to Harvey during our shuffleboard match.  This,
of course, is the pool here at the CG
These are blooms on some of the palm trees.  They resemble
bird of paradise without the color.
  We came back and put the laundry away and both took a nap.  The sun finally came out so we went outside to the picnic table to play Hand and Foot, but it was too breezy, so we opted for Racko.  I won.  We had just gotten hamburgers out of the freezer when Bonnie called and invited us to have dinner with her and Ken, Ernie and Noela.  They had all spent the day together.  I cut up a batch of fresh fruit and some veggies and dip to take along and we headed down to Ernie and Noela's fifth wheel.  They are only 14 sites down from us.  We had a great time chatting, watching the birds on the little waterway out back, and eating the delicious meal Ernie and Noela provided.  Ken shared with us on his phone the tribute Lady Gaga did on the Oscars honoring the 50th anniversary of The Sound of Music.  I don't usually care for her, but she gave an amazing performance of a medley of songs from the movie.  Watch it on YouTube if you get a chance!!   We spent all evening there, returning back to Harvey about 9:30.  It was so nice of everyone to include us. 
Ernie, Ken, Bonnie and Noela out back chatting
by the water and watching the blue heron and woodstork

The blue heron posed so nicely for us!

The wood stork showed up as soon as it saw us setting up

He watched as Ernie and Ken grilled the meat and veggies.
I'm sure he was hoping or a hand-out.

Bonnie guarding the door of the fifth wheel... woodstorks
will come right in if they think they can grab some food!

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