Monday, February 23, 2015

Another Relaxing Day at Harbor Lakes

When we got up this morning John and I decided to just hang out here at the CG.  I talked with Bonnie and she and Ken had decided to do the same thing.  We hope to get together sometime this week.  Bonnie and I would also like to take a day to go shopping.  As Cooper (our grandson) would say..." Oh, Boy".  I called Doloris and Fred who are on their way home to PA to apologize for not getting a chance to say good-bye to them yesterday.  It was about 11:00 when I talked with them and they were already in Georgia.  They must have left very early!  We hope they have a safe trip!!  John made pancakes for breakfast and then went for a walk.  I worked on adding pictures to yesterday's blog posts.  He got back from his walk at 11:30 and I was still in my jammies!!  Why not... I'm retired and I'm in Florida!  We changed into our bathing suits and headed for the pool.  It was very hot...the sun burned our skin within minutes.  It was good to be able to jump in the pool!  I called the podiatrist in Esteos to make an appt for my follow up and to pick up the brace I was casted for.  I see him on Thursday afternoon.  I'm hoping for good news!!  We were at the pool for about two and a half hours and then played 2 games of shuffleboard.  I won the first, John won the second.  We came back and got our showers and left for the Great Wall Chinese buffet toward Englewood.  It was still pretty warm, so we took the top off of the Jeep.
This was the first time we had the top off the Jeep
since we have been in Florida
  As we got closer to the restaurant we noticed what looked like smoke ahead.  As we drove farther we realized it was low flying clouds and they looked very threatening.  We couldn't help thinking that it would be just our luck to have the top off the Jeep for the first time since in Florida and now we're going to get rained on.  Well, the rain held off but after we left the restaurant (which was yummy) it got foggy and cool.  We were forced to put the top back up on the Jeep, but the sides were still off.  I needed to run the heat on the way home. When we got back I organized my craft supplies to go down to the library to join "the Crafty Ladies" from 7-9.  You can bring your own stuff or sometimes one of the ladies will lead a class.  Tonight one of the gals showed us how to make earrings.  I worked on my pins because I certainly don't need to buy any more craft supplies!!  All the ladies were very nice and encouraged me to come back next year to join them again.

The pins I made
I had a great time with all the ladies!  I even
told my "Jakey and Sadie joke.
  John walked while I was there and took a bunch of pictures.
These are the froggie lights at night
He has over 20,000 steps today!! Good job, honey!

This "lady" was in front of a rig. 
Looks like snow but it's the fog!

  I came back to Harvey and watched The Voice and Night Shift while John watched TV in the bedroom.  I also talked with my daughter, Heather and our grandson, Cooper.  She said another pipe burst at her house from the cold, but she didn't lose her heat this time.  Thank goodness for that!!  John turned in about 10:00 and I worked on my blog post.        

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