Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Perfect Day for the Beach...Finally!!

  No alarms this morning!!  John made his famous banana pancakes for breakfast... they were yummy!  He did part of his routine while I packed lunches and got the beach bag ready to go to Manasota Beach which is known for sharks teeth.  John would finish his walking there.  We loaded the Jeep and left by 10:30.  It was only about 20 minutes away and has free parking.  John thought we were early enough to avoid a lot of traffic.  Boy, was he wrong.  The place was packed!!  He finally found a parking spot while I waited with our tea jug, cane, my brace, and grocery bag covered boot.  Well, I didn't want to get sand in it!!  John got me settled in and then went for a walk.  I used my sieve in the sand around my chair looking for sharks teeth.  I found a few real small ones.  When he got back he was eating his lunch and a rascally sea gull swooped down and grabbed his sandwich!  I made sure when I ate mine to keep it close to my body!!   I asked to be moved to the edge of the water to look for more teeth. We took off my boot so I would look too silly.  I found a bunch more teeth down there but most of them were still pretty small.  Everybody and their brother had a "Florida snow shovel" and they lined the entire water's edge!  There were several different kinds of tools people were using.  It was quite interesting!
Lots of people there today.  Notice the screen
in the hand of the guy with the red shirt.  It had
pool noodles attached to all the sides
I'm having a blast scouring the beach for sharks teeth.
Although it would be much more fun if I could go
stand in the deeper water with my Florida snow shovel!!
The water was a beautiful turquoise blue!

  It was a gorgeous day today, about 75 degrees and a slight breeze.  Doesn't get much better than that!!  We stayed until about 5:00, had supper, watched some TV and John went to bed about 10:00 while I stayed up to work on my blog post.  It's 12:30 now... I'm going to bed.

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