Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News!

   I have an appt. in Estero with the podiatrist this afternoon to go over the results of my MRI and treatment options.  Our GPS, Bonnie, told us the trip would take about 1 hr. and 20 minutes, so after John's morning routine and showers we left about 10:15 with plans to stop somewhere for breakfast.  It was a beautifully warm morning which made our lengthy trip much better.  We saw a few more armadillos on our way out, but had no place to pull over to get pix.  We stopped at Perkins in Ft Myers for breakfast and, wow, was it good!  We got to the Dr's office about 20 minutes early, but they took us right back.  Turns out I have a "triple play"... deltoid ligament sprain, moderate plantar fasciitis, and a compression stress fracture where "the ankle bone's connected to the foot bone".  He gave me another cortisone shot in the top of my foot, so I'm in a soft cast again and a walking boot.  I can take the soft cast off in 48 hrs. and replace it with a heavy duty ankle brace, but I still have to wear the walking boot for about 2-3 more wks.  They casted me in the office for an Arizona brace, which is a foot forming, ankle high brace that I will have to wear inside my shoe while the fracture heals (about 2-3 months).  It won't arrive for about 2-3 wks.  That's why I have to keep wearing the walking boot.
John better not get out of line... I'll kick him a good one :)
It's cumbersome, but if it helps the pain it's worth it!
  He did say I could go to the pool and beach as long as I take it easy and sit more than I stand.  Yea!!!  There's also a possibility (if my insurance pays for it) that at my next appt. on Monday the Dr. will inject human growth cells, harvested from pig bladders, to help with the healing process.  I sure hope I won't start to resemble our pug, Kylie, after the procedure!! (our grandkids sometimes call her "piggy dog" because of the sounds she makes).  We didn't leave the office until about 3:00 and on a short cut road to Rte 41 we saw the most interesting tree.  It was huge and, according to a sign, came from India. 
The Mysore Fig tree... it was massive!

The trunk and root system is so unique!!
On the way home I talked with my sister (she was checking on my report) and my mother.  Dad is finally out of quarantine.  We checked out a farmers market, but it was closed, and then stopped at Walmart to get a few things including plastic cutting boards to put between the leveling jacks under Harvey and the pine plank boards we use under the jacks to keep them from sinking into the ground.  The guy next to us mentioned this idea to us after losing his whole electrical system due to a lightning strike.  He, too, had only been using wood planks under his jacks, but when the wood got wet it acted as an electrical conductor.  The plastic cutting boards prevent that from happening.  Who'd a thunk it!!!  We are expecting a thunderstorm tomorrow morning, so we thought we better prepare!  John made some chef salads for supper... they were yummy... and then we went to a "sing-a-long at the CG.  It was OK, but I didn't think we'll go again.  John is so patient and supportive with all that has been going on.  What a guy!  He takes better care of me than I do.  He must love me, but I love him more!!  Tomorrow sounds like a foul weather day, so I'll probably take it easy and work on my magnetic pins in preparation for the craft show at the Pine Island CG my sister and I are going to do on Saturday.  Good night.

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