Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Day in Sebring

   It was quite chilly this morning... in the 40's!  John even had to wear a sweatshirt to do his walking!!  We purposely didn't eat any breakfast because we decided to grab "brunch" on the way to Sebring.  We're going there to visit 2 couples that live in the same park who we attend church with at the Mt Joy Church of God back home.  It's about a 2 hr drive from here.  It should be a great drive because the sun is shining and the temp is up in the high 60's now. We left at 10:45 and passed a Cracker Barrel just a few miles from our CG but we decided to wait a bit to find something local... we can eat at a Cracker Barrel back home.  Well, Bonnie, our GPS took us on all back roads, Rte 72 and 17 mostly, and there wasn't a restaurant in site.  We were almost out of gas, too, and there were no gas stations either.  Even the GPS didn't recognize any eating places except fast food places and "Rooster's" Restaurant which turned out to be a Mexican buffet... no thanks!!  We were really getting hungry by now, but we kept driving and checked "Bonnie" again and guess what... there was a Sonny's about 10 miles down the road and a gas station a few doors down from there!!  By the time we got to Sonny's we were only 5 minutes from the park where our friends lived!!!!!!  We had planned on meeting John and Lorraine Gerlach at their house at 2:00 but we got there early, about 1:40.  Carol and Ed Landis would be joining us later.  The park both couples live in has over 400 modular units in it and they are very cute and well kept.  It was so nice to see blooming flowers!  We visited with John and Lorraine for a while and then Ed and Carol rode their bikes over and joined us.  Lorraine told us that she and Carol were joining forces to prepare supper for us.  How nice!!  After a half hr or so we followed Ed and Carol over to their place so Carol could prepare her potato casserole.  While that was baking they took us for a drive around Sebring.  We went around the circle in Sebring and then onto I believe it was called Lake Shore Dr. around Lake Jackson.  We stopped at one of the docking areas to take pictures.


Veteran's  Park at Lake Jackson
From the dock
The other side... isn't it beautiful!


Ed and Carol said the water was the highest they have ever seen it.
Some places it was almost as high ads the dock!

  It was a beautiful drive on a beautiful day!!  Lorraine told us later that she and a friend walk the 10.4 miles around the lake.  We were impressed!!  Ed said it was a shame we didn't get there earlier because we could have gone out on their pontoon boat.  Maybe next year.   We got back about 4:15 and Carol showed us her beautiful flower garden and back yard where they sometimes see the resident bobcat.  John was very disappointed that he didn't make an appearance!!
Notice the foggiest in the front.  I think Carol put them there just for me :)
  We showed Ed how to access our blog and then we went back over to the Gerlachs and had a feast!  Meatloaf, potato casserole, corn, coleslaw, rolls, and strawberry pie.  EVERYTHING was homemade and scrumptious!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was so nice of them to feed us.  We visited a while longer and then left at 7:00 because we had to get home for the dog.  Hopefully she'll still have her legs crossed when we get there!  We had such a good time with John, Lorraine, Ed and Carol.  It was so nice to see them and get to know them a bit better.  And their hospitality was awesome!  Thanks again, guys.
Our wonderful friends, Carol and Ed (L) and John and Lorraine (R)

  On the way home we saw a bobcat!  Sure wish we could have gotten a picture!!  We got back about 9:15.  I elevated my foot and John worked on getting the new camera hooked into the computer through WiFi to transfer photos.  He couldn't get it to work so tomorrow we'll have to go buy a cord cause none of the ones we already have work:(

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