Monday, February 9, 2015

Rainy Day/Dr. Day

   We woke to rain this morning and it continued most of the morning, heavy at times.  The temp was about 60.  John was forced to do his walking on the treadmill... what a trooper!!  I hung around Harvey making phone calls and getting some mail ready to send.  Then I iced my foot and watched ME TV.  What a blast from the past!!  I watched "The Donna Reed Show," "Mary Tyler Moore," "Bonanza," "Perry Mason," and "Quincy".   Somewhere during all that John and I ate a late breakfast because I have a Dr. appt with the podiatrist this afternoon at 3:00 and we figured we would grab an early supper afterward.  We left at 1:30 and as soon as we approached I-75 we noticed the traffic was all backed up on the highway and many cars were exiting.  We found a different route by taking I-41 but it was about 45 minutes longer and it was still raining.  We called the office and they were so kind as to move our appt to 4:00.  We were able to get back on I-75 later and managed to arrive at the dr's office by 3:20.  I consented to having an injection of a growth hormone harvested from pig bladders.  It's supposed to promote healing.  We'll see.  Hopefully, I won't take on any characteristics of pigs, although John says that at night I already have!!  I have ego continue to wear the brace and boot until the Arizona brace I was casted for comes in.  At that time they will do an x-ray to see how well my stress fracture has healed.  That will determine how much longer I will have to wear the boot.  It's getting old!!!!!  We were hungry for Chinese so the receptionist highly recommended P.F.Changs just down the road.  It started raining again just as we got there.  Well, the egg rolls and won ton soup were really good but the rest was average.  We like the Jade Garden at home better!  We stopped at Camping World to get a riser for the sewer hose and then Dairy Queen for some blizzards.  We got back about 8:00, watched some TV and went to bed.  It was a nice relaxing day fro the most part!

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