Friday, February 13, 2015

A Relaxing Day at Rambler's Rest CG

   It was another chilly morning... in the low 40's.  But that didn't stop John from doing his walking!  I woke up feeling sorry for myself.  I'm so tired of having the clunky boot and braces and being told I have to take it easy and shouldn't do this and shouldn't do that even though I know it's in my best interest.  I decided I was just going to stay in bed all day, especially because it was so warm and cozy.  When John got back from his walk he brought me breakfast in bed.  I haven't done that in years!!  At 11:30 John finally  "coaxed" me out of bed.  I felt really silly for acting so selfish especially after watching a show about "Pathfinders"...a team of women that get together with cancer victims and help them to focus on the positive side of their lives and goals they can still achieve.  So what the heck am I boo-hooing about?!?!?  I pulled myself together and we decided would go to Best Buy in Port Charlotte to return the stylus that didn't work and to purchase the cord we needed to transfer pix from the camera to the computer.  John wanted to take a nap and shower before we went, so he laid down and I worked on my blog posts from the last 2 days and then made chicken salad.  We had some lunch, John showered and we headed to Best Buy.  SUCCESS!  We stopped at a Nature's Own bakery outlet on the way home but didn't find anything.  The we treated ourselves to an ice cream cone at Sweet Scoops.  I suddenly felt much better!!  When we got back I finished my blog posts while John read and watched TV.  We ate some leftovers for supper and then went down to the River Pavilion for Karaoke.  I sang 3 songs, "Let Me Be There" by Olivia Newton John, "Somewhere" from West Side Story, and "On My Own" from Les Mis.  Everyone has so much fun whether they are good singers or not.  We were there for 3 hrs...7:00-10:00.  It totally made me forget about my troubles and lifted my spirits!

That's Ian from England manning the music
Here I am singing, "On My Own"

  Hopefully, we can come down here next Friday when my sister is here and we can sing something together.  We watched a little TV then went to bed.

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