Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Wonderful Day with Family, Friends, and New Friends!!

   Oh, boy, was it ever cold this morning...36 degrees!!  I know, compared to what you're getting at home, that's warm.  But you don't expect these kind of temps in Florida in the middle of February!!  There's also a strong gusty wind to make matters worse.  Bonnie called to ask if it was ok that she invited Ernie and Noela, Canadian friends of theirs who are just a few sites down from us, to join us for shuffleboard, and, of course, it was. By 10:00 it was near 50, so John headed outside to "spiffen" things up for our cook-out later today and take some pictures of the CG.
All the beautiful water and birds behind us!

  I walked down to Ernie and Noela's rig to ask them to join us for supper.  They gratefully accepted.  I went back and worked on some food preparation and then went out to help John put up the frog lights.  We spent about an hour hanging them from the awning and got them all wired up, but the wind kept getting stronger.  Because our awning automatically retracts in strong wind, we decided to play it safe and take them down.  Shucks!  Everyone got here just before 2:00 and we gathered outside to relax and chat for a bit.  It was  pretty nice out, just a light jacket needed in the sun.   Then we headed down to the shuffleboard courts.  The one side was in the shade and it was quite cold.  It was still very windy, too, so we switched ends each time we played.  The women played against the men.  John and Fred were the winning mens team and Bonnie and Noela were the overall winners, not losing a match!  Good job, gals!  We all went back to Harvey about 4:20 and John fired up the grill with the men keeping him company and supervising outside while the women got cooking inside.  Dinner and dessert turned out great but even greater was the time we all spent together afterward.  Doloris and Bonnie washed all the dishes (that made me sit and prop up my foot).   We had planned on playing some games but we were having such a good time talking and sharing and getting to know each other better that we scrapped that idea.  Then Fred mentioned the beautiful sunset and a bunch of us headed outside to get pix.
The sunset and the bird are so majestic!
  Everyone left about 9:30, we finished cleaning up and went to bed.  It was a wonderful evening!!
Ernie, Ken, Noela, Bonnie, and me chatting before our shuffleboard match
We were all pretty comfortable in the sun...
...but in the shade it was a different story.  Do you
think Ken is a little cold???  Fred toughed it out in shorts!

The happy group after shuffleboard

Bonnie is trying hard to get the fruit out of the sangria bottle.
I'm coming to the rescue!
My first attempt at using my convection oven resulted in blowing the
main fuse outside of the RV.  I think Bonnie's sheepish grin has something to do
with drinking a bit too much sangria!

The gang continuing our good times after dinner.  They MADE me put my foot up!
(I "borrowed" this picture from Bonnie's blog)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your hospitality..super time..great host and hostess
