Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back to Manasota Beach

   I got up about 8:00 and John was already gone.  He had microwaved some potatoes last night so I decided to surprise him with breakfast when he got back.  I copied a dish from Perkins that I had the 1st week we were here.  It was a bowl that had potatoes with ham and bacon on the bottom, sauteed onions and celery next, then cheese, then 2 fried eggs on top.  I know what you're thinking... there goes his hard work this morning... but he really enjoyed it!  The temp was supposed to be 72 and a bit of a breeze, so we decided to head back to Manasota Beach.  We left about 11:00 and it was beautiful!  I hobbled onto the beach with my cane and grocery bagged boot (to keep the sand out).
A new fashion statement!
  The water at Manasota is such a pretty turquoise blue and the sun was glistening on the water.
The waves were pretty big today
The beach wasn't near as full today as it was on Sunday!
Love how the sun makes the water glisten!!
  John scooped up several loads of shells with the "Florida snow shovel" and dumped them by my chair, so I could look for sharks teeth while he went walking.

His poor piggy's were cold

I'm holding a tooth in my hand but it's hard to see.

  By the time he came back the wind seemed to have shifted and it was getting chilly.  We toughed it out a bit longer, well, John toughed it out, because I had some sweats to put on but he didn't bring anything warm.  By the time we got through the pile of shells, we had found about 60 shark's teeth!  Some were really small but we had a few nice sized ones, too.  It was fun! 
Love the long thin one at the bottom!
We left about 2:30.  When we got back I took the camera out of the beach bag to transfer the pix I had taken to the computer and found that somewhere along the line we had broken the screen!  I couldn't view the pix at all!!  I remember thumping the bottom of the beach bag to get the sand off before we put it in the Jeep.  I have a feeling the corner of John's tablet was resting on it and cracked it.  So after supper we took an unplanned trip to Best Buy in Port Charlotte to get another camera.  We wanted the exact same Kodak, but they only sold those on line and, it would have taken 2 wks to get it!  We went to Office Depot because that is where I got the Kodak.  They don't sell cameras anymore!  So we went to Walmart hoping to find it, but they didn't have it either.  Doesn't Kodak make cameras anymore??  We ended up with a red Canon Power Shot.  I hope it's as good as our Kodak was!!  We bought a case for it this time!!  Hey, we're not stupid!!  Since we were so close to Harbor Lakes, the next CG we're going to, we decided to check it out.  It sure looks nice.  We can hardly wait to leave here on Sunday, especially since we took a peek at Harbor Lakes.  We got back to Harvey (and Kylie) about 8:00, fooled with the new camera, and worked on my blog posts.  John did some reading and went to bed about 11:00.  I finished up my post about 12:00.  Tomorrow we're heading to Sebring, about 2 hrs away, to visit with 2 couples from our church in Mt Joy who are here for the winter.  It should be fun.  Stay tuned!!  Good night.


  1. Love the sharks teeth. Isn't fun to find them???? Manasota Beach is the best!

  2. The pictures always make them look bigger than they really are. I was going to put a dime next to them but I forgot! Imagine that!!!
