Friday, February 6, 2015

It's Karaoke Night!

   It was a pretty chilly morning... we even turned on the fireplace!  I made some French toast and bacon and then John did his regular routine.  I hung around Harvey, rested my foot and got some of my stuff ready for the craft show tomorrow.  By the time John got back it had warmed up and we decided to go to the pool.  We were there until about 4:00 and then came back and got showers.  John mad a delicious dinner... pork chops, carrots and salad.  After dinner I called Dr Fleischman, one of the podiatrist's from the office in Mount Joy that I retired from.  I just wanted to get his opinion on the treatment I am getting here in Florida.  Then off to karaoke.  I couldn't believe the size of the books with the song selections... there were literally thousands of choices! Half of the books were by song title and the other half were by the artist.  It was a bit scary to try it, but after watching all the other people having so much fun performing, I gave in.  I actually sang 3 songs..." If" by Bread, "You Needed Me" by Anne Murray and "Top of the World" by The Carpenters.  They were all well received and I wasn't really nervous.  The audience gets into it, too and puts you at ease.  I'll definitely go again next Friday.
As Bennett would say, "I did dit, I did dit!
  We left at 9:30 to finish up packing for the craft show I'm doing tomorrow on Pine Island with my sister and to get to bed.  It starts at 9:00am so we'll need to get up at 5:30 so we can be on the road by 6:30!  I think this is only the 2nd time we have set our alarms since we left PA!! 

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