Thursday, February 26, 2015

Travel Day for us Today

   John was out doing his walking and weights when I climbed out of bed.  I decided to do my exercises, too, even though I didn't feel like it!  He came back a bit early because of the misty weather and then we had leftovers from yesterday's breakfast.  John emptied all the tanks and then we both got showers. The phone I just had replaced is giving me problems.  When I call out it causes a delay and an echo of the person's voice on the other end.  My end is fine, but it's very annoying for the other person and almost impossible for them to communicate.  After a phone call to an AT&T store they said I would have to take it to the warranty center in Ft Myers.  We have to head that direction anyway today for my podiatrist appt in Estero so we decided to leave early and go there first.  We left about 12:30 and stopped down at Ernie and Noela's rig to ask them if they wanted to get together this evening when we get home around 6:00.  They said, "sure".  Off we went to Ft Myers to the AT&T store.  We arrived about 1:30 and by 2:30 Andrew still didn't know how to solve the problem.  He tried everything including a new refurbished phone but the echo was still there.  He was stumped.  We had to leave for my dr appt, so we left everything there and said we would return later.  The dr was pleased with my progress even though the xrays were inconclusive.  He fitted me with the new brace that I had been casted for, went over what I should and should not do, and sent me on my way without the Trilock brace and cumbersome boot.  My new brace should give me all the support I need.  Then we stopped at  the Sweet Tomato Salad Buffet and had a delicious dinner.  We also stopped at Costco to get new beach chairs because one of our very old ones broke earlier this week. Then back to the AT&T store.  We really had no choice but to have another refurbished phone sent to us.  But when he checked the computer, the old phone I had sent back earlier this week hasn't arrived at the warranty center yet, so he could do nothing. He said he would check tomorrow and Monday if had arrived and then he will have the new one sent.  So now I still have the old new phone that doesn't work right.  Hopefully, the new one won't have the same problem.  I don't know what I'll do then!!  I called Arlena on the way home to find out how the insemination went.  This is her third attempt at trying to help a couple in Connecticut have a baby... she is the surrogate.  All went well.  Just have to wait a couple of weeks to find out if it was successful or not.  We didn't get back until 7:30 and when we checked in with Ernie and Noela they were tired and passed on getting together.  We were tired, too, so it worked out all right.  Mom kindly called to find out how I made out at the dr.  She had been at the eye dr because of some pain and concerns about possible elevated pressure in her eyes, but everything was OK...just extremely dry eye syndrome.    We played Hand and Foot and I was victorious again.  We watched a little TV and went to bed.  It was a yucky weather day today... very overcast, times of short lived heavy rain, and temps in the low to mid 60's.  Tomorrow morning I'm meeting Bonnie for a few hours of shopping and then we're going over to their CG for dinner and karaoke.  Ernie and Noela are joining us, too.

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